In this module, you will:

  • Elevate your ESG awareness through our toolbox of self-reflecting questions, readings, case studies, and mind-opening recordings of leading ESG experts

  • Understand how asset managers, hedge funds, high-wealth individuals and proxy advisors are impacting boards of directors and board agendas

  • Identify new business models such as stakeholder capitalism, the circular economy, regenerative and net-positive businesses and the 5th industrial revolution

  • Study the tsunami of guidelines, regulations and ESG reporting frameworks that are impacting businesses’ licence to operate

  • Understand how to identify and deal proactively with changing shareholder expectations

  • Study the fast-evolving views and understandings of fiduciary duty across regions

  • Examine organisational purpose and how to ensure it adds value

  • Explore the role of board committees in embedding ESG in business strategy

  • Gain a Competent Boards Micro-Credential!

Course content includes:

    1. What to Expect From This Module

    2. Introduction & Overview

    3. Strategic Topics

    4. Leader Insight Video: Paul Polman

    5. Leader Insight Video: Georg Kell

    6. Leader Insights Video: Martin Wolf

    7. Leader Insight Video: Jens Moberg

    8. Leader Insight Video: Chad Holliday

    9. Leader Insight Video: Annette Verschuren

    10. Leader Insight Video: Jan Jones Blackhurst

    11. Optional Resources

    12. Key Takeaways

    1. Module Knowledge Check

    2. Course Completion Survey

    3. Congratulations on Completing the Module!

About this course

  • $395.00 USD
  • 5 hours of course content