In this module, you will:

  • Understand ESG ratings, rankings, indices and integration frameworks, as well as materiality risk and opportunity assessments

  • Discover why financial materiality assessments are integral to ESG being embedded in company strategy and board oversight

  • Get under the skin of ESG in businesses to discern greenwashing, “greenwishing” and “greenwalking”

  • Look at what investors are asking for and why does that matter

  • Uncover how ESG disclosure issues are leading to securities class actions and civil litigation

  • Learn how to integrate emerging risks into enterprise risk management (ERM) frameworks

  • Anticipate future trends and new requirements

  • Scrutinize oversight, accountability and the role of the board committees

  • Gain a Competent Boards Micro-Credential

Course content includes:

    1. What to Expect From This Module

    2. Introduction & Overview

    3. Strategic Topics

    4. Leader Insight Video: Erika Karp & Upkar Arora

    5. Leader Insight Video: Joyce Cacho

    6. Leader Insight Video: Eivind Lorgen

    7. Leader Insight Video: Aron Cramer

    8. Optional Resources

    9. Optional Video: Competent Boards Webinar - Strategic ERM:Fostering Foresight and Anticipatory Governance

    10. Key Takeaways

    1. Module Knowledge Check

    2. Course Completion Survey

    3. Congratulations on Completing the Module!

About this course

  • $395.00 USD
  • 4.9 hours of course content